DriveTeam Blog
Steps to Protect Your Company from the Effects of Impaired Driving
A motor vehicle crash occurs every 5 seconds according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). And every 12 minutes someone dies in a vehicle crash – the majority of which occur during the normal workday commute. Motor vehicle crashes can cost an...
How to Talk with Your Teen about Impaired Driving
Many teens have a tendency to feel invincible, like nothing bad will happen, especially newly licensed ones. When you haven’t been in any type of motor vehicle crash before, it’s easy to think that car crashes only happen to other drivers. As a parent it’s hard not...
Kelli’s C.R.U.S.A.D.E. is on a Mission to Save Lives
Over the past two years, Drive Team, has had the honor and privilege of working with a local non-profit organization out of Medina County called Kelli’s C.R.U.S.A.D.E. Kelli’s C.R.U.S.A.D.E. is on a mission to save as many lives as possible on our roads through proper...
Teen Driving Facts and Statistics 2017
As a parent, handing over the keys to your teen driver for the first time can be a scary task. As you watch your teen pull out of the driveway to head out on their own, you can only hope he or she will be responsible and keep in mind everything they learned in their...
Nationwide Week-Long Enforcement Spree Begins Oct. 15
Truck drivers should prepare for increased scrutiny by law enforcement later this month as the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance will embark upon its annual Operation Safe Driver Week, aimed at combating unsafe driving behaviors by truckers and passenger car drivers....
Inspectors Issued Nearly 15,000 Out-of-Service Orders in June Roadcheck
North American truck and bus inspectors placed more than 12,000 vehicles out-of-service during their 72-hour Roadcheck enforcement blitz held June 6-8. Another nearly 3,000 drivers were placed out-of-service during the week-long event. Enforcers in sum conducted...
Teens and Distracted Driving
Recent research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reveals that from 2014 to 2015, the United States experienced the largest increase fatalities from car crashes in nearly 50 years. And, almost 9% of those fatalities were due to distracted...
Creating a Corporate Distracted Driving Policy
In 2015, over 3,400 people were killed due to distracted driving. Any type of activity that takes a driver’s eyes off the road for any length of time is highly dangerous, and today, there are so many different ways to become distracted behind the wheel. Although many...
Inspectors Keying in on Cargo Securement During Nationwide Inspection Spree
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance confirmed Monday its annual International Roadcheck inspection blitz will be held June 6-8. Inspectors this year will be placing an emphasis on cargo securement. While this is a normal part of CVSA’s Level I inspections, the...
Current 34-Hour Restart Regs to Stay Put Following Issuance of Long-Awaited FMCSA Report
Following more than two years of lingering uncertainty, the rules governing truckers’ use of a 34-hour restart are settled, following the issuance of a long-awaited report from the Department of Transportation. The study has not yet been made public, but a letter...