Over the past two years, Drive Team, has had the honor and privilege of working with a local non-profit organization out of Medina County called Kelli’s C.R.U.S.A.D.E.
Kelli’s C.R.U.S.A.D.E. is on a mission to save as many lives as possible on our roads through proper education, road improvements, and creating awareness across our communities. The foundation started when the Baker family lost their beloved daughter, Kelli, in a tragic car crash. It is now touching thousands of lives through the opportunities her parents are providing through Kelli’s C.R.U.S.A.D.E. You can learn more about Kelli and the Baker’s at Facebook.com/KellisCRUSADE
Over the past year, the Baker’s have donated 24 Winter Skills Clinic Scholarships to young drivers who would not have this opportunity due to various life circumstances. If you would like to help more young drivers take advantage of enhancing their driving skills and putting safer drivers in our communities, you can donate to Kelli’s C.R.U.S.A.D.E. at 11593 Blough Road, Rittman OH 44270.