by DriveTeam Staff | Jan 19, 2021 | Teen Driving, Teen Parents
For new drivers, especially when they are teens, the first couple of years on the road are the most dangerous. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, research shows that new teen drivers, ages 16-17 years old, are three times as likely as adults to be...
by DriveTeam Staff | Dec 16, 2020 | News
As the year draws to a close, many of us are ready to shut the door on 2020 and get a fresh start in the new year ahead. As you prepare for the holiday festivities ahead, we know things might look a little different this season. However, it’s important to keep in mind...
by DriveTeam Staff | Nov 27, 2020 | Corporate Driver
It can happen to anyone: driving late at night, the hum of the tires and the sound of the wind against the car lulling you to sleep. It becomes a struggle to stay alert, and suddenly not only is your own life at risk, but so are others on the road with you. This type...
by DriveTeam Staff | Oct 25, 2020 | Driving Tips
Fall is in its prime here in Northeast Ohio. The leaves are at their peak colors and there’s a chill in the air, making cozying up next to a fire in the evenings a delightful reprieve. Unfortunately, we all know what comes after fall: winter, with its heavy snowfall,...
by DriveTeam Staff | Sep 26, 2020 | Teen Driving
Becoming a licensed driver is a rite of passage for many teens. However, before they hit the open road, it’s important they understand how to stay as safe as possible behind the wheel. After all, the CDC reports that per mile driven, teen drivers aged 16 to 19 are...